I love when a new restaurant opens close to me. And I REALLY love it when it has good food!! The Breakfast Station opened in Oakhurst Plaza in December, 2016.
This spot has been home to numerous other businesses, but I am hoping this one stays here a super long time! Everyone is friendly and the service is holy-cow fast!!
The restaurant has a train theme and the menu offers quirky named items. I use the term "train wreck" a lot, but now it is also one of my favorite breakfast items!
My husband ordered the train wreck just so that I could see it, taste it and still have lunch for breakfast!! We weren't seated very long before we placed out order and I sat back to get comfortable. The place was packed and I figured we would be there a long time. I took a picture and before I could even post a facebook status (with this picture) expressing my joy about being able to order lunch for breakfast --
our food was delivered!!!

Imagine my surprise that both of our meals were at the table in minutes!!! (I thought ordering lunch at 8am would screw them up -- but alas, it did not!!)
This first one is the train wreck - and it is amazingly delicious!!!
And here's my lunch for breakfast!!! Reuben sandwich!!! I did order home fries, though - so it's kinda breakfast related!!
Breakfast station offers daily specials.As well as a children's menu.
Breakfast Station is open 7 days a week from 7am - 3pm and is located at 9342 Oakhurst Road in Seminole.
There are several large table for groups of 6-8 and numerous booths - or you can dine at the counter. In addition, there are outside tables and the weather is perfect for that right now!
Any other questions - call (727) 330-6094. Tell 'em Tampa Bay Afternoon Delight sent you! And, please like us on Facebook to see lots more food pictures!